Ply helps you create a seamless workflow by integrating with top FSMs
Trusted by Contractors Around the Country
Managing and purchasing materials doesn’t need to be so complex, it just needs to be simple and it needs to work.
Reduce time spent tracking materials in and out of locations, allocating to jobs, and replenishing stock.
Decrease material costs by expanding supply, auto-price shopping, and automating payment workflows.
Track all management activities and rely on insights to drive more proactive stocking and purchasing.
Rely on your Ply dedicated buyer to assist with logistics, supplier communication, and network expansion.
Learn How Other Businesses Manage and Replenish Inventory with Ply
Ply simplifies inventory management and makes buying materials a stress-free task. Use Buy and Manage individually, or unlock even more potential by using them together.
Dave Wigder
Co-founder of Ply